Journey through the Spanish language: how Telenovelas have contributed

It is not out of the ordinary for students to choose Spanish as their language to learn throughout high school, but very few stick with it unless it is a requirement at their institution. My passion for the language began in ninth grade, when I took Spanish 1. I remember learning the absolute basics: perro, gato, mujer, hombre, etc. I thought it would be a breeze since I knew Bulgarian, until the verb conjugations were introduced. As it got harder, my determination to learn grew more and more, and I promised myself I would never leave my studies behind. Here I am 5 years later, communicating nearly effortlessly with my Salvadorian best friend and her family. Every day I hear a new word, and every day I make the effort to repeat that word and solidify it in my brain. I do not have a single verb tense and its irregulars memorized perfectly, because frankly, it is way too overwhelming. Babies are not taught their native tongues with flashcards or memorizing conjugation ch...