Regulations that We Never Have to Think Twice About

Over time, so many different shows have been made and then adopted by other countries in order to make their own version based off of the popularity of the show in its original country. While a country adopts the show in order to make their own version, there will obviously be some changes in order to fit the aspects of that country. What most people might not consider however, is just how much a show might be changed in order to not only fit in with the citizens, but to also follow the laws and regulations of said country. 

When it comes to Turkey and their laws about what can and can not be displayed on television, I have learned that no scenes of intimacy are allowed to be filmed. While it can be understood that more intimate scenes shouldn’t be seen due to possibility of children watching, etc., it takes scenes of passion and love in order to understand the characters' emotions for each other. WIthout these scenes, the viewers are often left to imagine just what these characters feel for each other. 

In another country, like Venezuela, the regulations have caused the government to basically control television corporations. The government decides what can air as well as what stations can be shown to the viewers. As well as that, journalists have been arrested,detained, and even deported for expressing their views on how things are being run. The government then hires people in order to take down such posts in order to not make them look bad. I mean who would argue with the government as most people are just used to the idea and have grown up around it that that’s just how things are supposed to be. 

While obviously these two countries have certain regulations on what is to be aired, there’s probably even more countries which do this that we just don’t know about. Without this class I would have never known about how restrictive the Venezuelan government is, nor the Turkish government. I feel, especially as a US citizen, that I have taken advantage of all that I am allowed to watch on t.v. and have never really thought twice about it. I have taken for granted the idea that I can watch whatever channel I may please, while people in other countries are less fortunate. I am allowed to view the intensity and passion and love of two characters in a show and don’t have to imagine what their relationship could be.


  1. As this class went on and we discussed the rules of censorship it also made me realize how as Americans our first amendment right has given us more exposure to specific scenes that around the world simply wouldn't be allowed on air. This really does show up in American media when you think about the more intimate moments portrayed in everyday tv. I could easily sit down and watch a show on cable tv that hast a cast that are meant to play high school juniors, but seem to be more adult in the sexual nature. The fact that countries exist like Turkey that would shoot down the same show in a heartbeat unless they made changes to those scenes also shows a drastic distance in the idea of hat is taboo in society. In America for example we are entering an era of a more sex positive society, but I would assume based on the censorship rule in places like Venezuela or Turkey their society is driven more by true feelings of love and compassion. I wonder ho it shapes the aspirations of young teens watching the telenovelas or Turkish dramas in the way the dating scene is too.


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